Neglecting the blog for over a month?! Shame on me!!!
Well, there really hasn't been much to blog about. It's hotter than Hades this time of year, which makes running outside nearly impossible, and the gym has been a four letter word to me.
Actually, work is really the four letter word. Since it is hot out, most people don't want to come out and fast. (Gee, I wonder why?) So work is slow to put it nicely. I'm starting to look elsewhere, and maybe look into yet ANOTHER career change. This one is actually up my alley!!
My wonderful cousin is taking classes to become a Personal Trainer. So, what does that have to do with me? She told me about NASM, and their programs, which include a corrective exercise specialist class, and Athletic Trainer.....only the things I have been wanting to do since I was a kid.
I am thrilled. I started with a trial of the CES class, and I am loving it. It's like my massage training, but more intense. I am really excited for it!!
The only downside is that after the week, the class is nearly $700. I think I might have to start a donation site, or something to get the money for it....
Other than that, things are okay. Family's good, hubby's awesome, and been trying to write again. Yes, I'm writing the great novel; or that's what I call it.
Well, gotta do laundry, so until next time..