Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Today is my 34th birthday! I hope 34 is the new 21, and I can kick this year in the ass, and leave last year in the dust.  It wasn't a bad year, but it wasn't a good one either.
Anyway, happy birthday to me!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 A year of Changes?

You must be thinking "oh god, another post about new years resolutions, prefaced by the comment that 'I don't believe in resolutions' line....well you're partially right.
I don't believe in resolutions, and I don't really make any or try to follow anything. I try to make things happen as they happen.  So, since this is the time that changes are to be made, so why not throw out there the changes I want to make, and figure out how to do them.  Maybe later in the year, I can look back and laugh again.

Before I go on too much, I should state that things could always be worse. I could be the cracked out whore passed out on the side of the sidewalk. I could also be dead, or living back with my parents driving around in my POS PTCruiser, and being overdrawn three days after I got paid. I am very fortunate for being in the situation that I'm in. Do not get that wrong, but like any imperfect human being, you want to tweak things enough to work to fit.

I want to become a stay at home wife. I think my inner 21 year old is having a conniption fit at seeing that. I always wanted to be a writer, and the last two NaNoWriMo competitions have proved that it is hard for me to write, work a full time job, and manage whatever family drama I might have to deal with. I have at least three stories that are written out, but need depth, and plot holes filled. I seriously think the only way I could do it would be if I didn't have to work, or maybe worked part time, so I could focus on my writing.  I was unemployed or severely underemployed most of 2012, and I did squat with my writing, so maybe not.

I do want a new job.  I love where I work, but It's a dead end job, and I have been told on more than one occasion that I'm disposable, and even though I am invaluable, I'm still on the temp side, and only being paid minimum wage. Hubby wants to try again, and move out of the desert. I would love that. I hate this part of California, and would love to be near the beach, near Disneyland, and near some other things we just don't have in the desert. I also know that it costs an arm and a leg out there, and I just don't see husband making those sacrifices.

I have been talking with him about losing weight and doing things to get better. He has started exercising, and I have decided after a temporary glitch and the flu to hit the gym with fervor. Let's see how long this lasts.

One more thing that hit me, the roadtrip from hell was 9 years ago this year. Holy cow. That week changed my life forever. I'm sure next year I'll find a way to honor it.

Anyway, the lure of finishing a chapter, or fixing one of many plot holes in my stories is calling me.