Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bucket List Part 2

It seems a lot of my Bucket List is Disneyland related.  I never realized that until now.  Yikes.  Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE that place....so for this post, I'll try to keep it Disney-free.

Rent a suite for a concert/sporting event.

I'm claustrophobic, and hate hate crowds.  I haven't been to an actual hockey game since 2008, partially due to finances, but also because I hate being in a crowded arena, sitting next to some loud a-hole spilling beer on me. 

Karaoke...at the House of Blues

Downtown Disney doesn't count!!!  They used to have karaoke on certain nights in the restaurant portion and I so wanted to get up there and belt one out.  I had some ideas about songs, but I never had the backbone to do it.  Maybe another time.

Publish my stories

I've been told more than once I should write a novel.  I have been writing since I was a teenager. I was writing things from a fictionalized account of an ex boyfriend who wouldn't leave me alone, to a series Stephanie and I were working on about two Orange County girls who lead an adventurous life. I have even given thought to writing my memoirs.  Thanks to self-publishing, I probably could do it, and one day I might.  I would LOVE for one of them to be picked up by a major publisher though.

Buy a house

I want to set roots somewhere, and having a house is one of those things that means I have my own place in the sun. Somewhere that's mine, and mine only.   One day....once my credit is up to par.

Finish College

This one seems less likely every semester...but I want to go back, and get my bachelor's degree. I had changed majors twice, and I still am not 100% sure what I want it to be. I think it will be Kinesiology; the study of muscles, or Athletic Training; what I wanted to do when I was 16.

(To be Concluded)

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