Friday, February 10, 2012

Life in a Crossroads

Until last week, I hadn't posted in a long time.  I would like to think it had to do with planning my million dollar wedding, and working on decorating my mansion.  It was really because I had forgotten about this blog.  I forgot about my Livejournal too, so don't think I posted tons of exciting updates there.

As most of you know, yes I did get married. The wedding was tiny, and it was nice that way. It was just his family, since my friends were either unable to afford going out to Vegas, or had more important things to do. (Like go fishing...Sorry, but I am still so bitter about that.)  Pictures are on my flickr, and my facebook.

So I've spent the last four months in the lower desert. I like it down here. Things are a bit closer then they were up at my parent's house.  I still see them, maybe not as much as my mom would like, but I get up there at least every two weeks.

Work, on the other hand has been a problem. I found a job right away after I moved back from OC, that was nice, since hubby was laid off in April. He found a temp job with a desert landmark back in August, and from there was when we went ahead and decided to get hitched.

So now it's February, and we're at a crossroads. Hubby's contract will be ending soon, and the job market here sucks.  Trust me, I know. I have been looking steady work since the new year.

I was working at a resort, but when the hours were thin, I applied at a major department store.  I hate retail, so you know that I had to be desperate to work it again. What started out as a part time job soon became a full time seasonal gig, and I had quit the resort.  (working 5 days out of a whole month is pathetic....)

I was promised a full time job back in December, but that fizzed out.

I have been looking for some steady work as a massage therapist.  Sadly this desert has a very short season that it's busy, and I missed most of that time.

Hubby also states constantly that he wants out of this valley.  I don't blame him, since he's never really left the desert like I attempted to. He has this idea that OC or San Diego is going to have more competitive job market, pay more, and things will be better than the desert.  It just might, but I have some serious doubts.

So our crossroads is this...Do we stay in the desert, with mediocre jobs, making mediocre money, but can still live somewhat comfortably, or do we take the plunge, and see what other areas have to offer?

I've always been down for an adventure, but in all honesty, I'm getting too old for this shit.  I just want to settle down somewhere, plant roots, and enjoy what time I have.

The fun, lighthearted me will be back soon. :)


  1. Well, the job market here in the OC isnt that great unless you are a customer service rep (and honestly the pay in the CS field isnt that great) or you work in sales. I got lucky that my work found me, the hubs however has been looking for a new job for 2 years! He expanded his job search to other fields 6 months ago and still hasnt had luck. So stay where you can live comfortably, because the OC might have a larger job market, but they're very picky and its expensive to live here. Personally I keep hoping the hubs can find a gig somewhere else 'cause I want to get out of here sooooo badly!

    1. Isn't it funny how we all feel that way. we all want out of the areas around where we grew up sooo badly, only to realize it might not be all that bad?

      My hubs works in finance, and well, I can do CS, or work at spas, or even retail again (I'd rather shoot myself.)

      I might have a part time gig here in the desert, that's not so bad, but we'll see.
