I've been on a roller coaster of emotions the last few weeks.
Work is entering it's stressful time. The book is about to close, and everyone's stress level including mine is at its highest. It reminds me why I hated working at an office environment.
I hate retail with a passion. I also think retail out here just plain sucks.
I'm seriously considering going back to Massage Therapy again. I loved doing it, but it took its toll on me. Turned out that physical toll is/was heart related. Now I have a clean bill of health, I think I can do it again, and not feel so exhausted. There are a few problems with it though. My license and insurance have expired. My mom said she would help with any of those obstacles, including paying for the National Exam. ($200, $200 and $225 respectively)
Hubby isn't exactly the most supportive of my massage work, and I can't completely blame him. Massage work out here, and probably anywhere else is a streaky kind of racket. You can work at a spa, where you're low person on the totem pole, get the crappy hours and have a client tell you you were wonderful to your face, and tell your manager that it was the worst massage ever. You could work at one of those "Spa Clinic" places that advertises a cheap massage, and does a good job in promoting to the masses. I even worked at one of those places. I actually enjoyed it there, but they have a tendency to ride you hard there. I was doing 6-7 massages a day, and thanks to my living situation at the time, not a lot of sleep. Chiropractors offices and Physical therapy offices can sometimes see you like an annoying fly buzzing around, or they want you to whore yourself out to boost sales.
Alright enough about that. Hubby's unemployed again. That's just so frustrating to me that I won't get into the details about that. Just know that I'm not a happy camper right now.
Also on a related note, my sister filed for divorce. I love my sister, and I love my soon to be brother in law, so it makes the situation awkward for me.
Being divorced myself, I have volunteered my support for my sister from an arm's length (or about 50 miles...) I know what she's going through, and she seems to be reacting the same way I did when I was going thru mine. Sometimes it's just better to let someone do their thing, make their mistakes and deal with the consequences.
Speaking of consequences, I dumped a handful of friends from my social networks. Most were friends of friends, or people who still talk to or connected to my ex husband. Others are old friends who have drifted away. Sometimes you think you have something in common, only to find that you're just different people, or that they just don't want to be your friend, and only be there when they need you. I'm at the point in my life when I decided that if you want to be my friend, it has to work both ways.
This brings me to my writing. I think I might just lock myself in the other room right now and try to iron out some details of my stories. I have some writing energy, and a friend I can bounce ideas off of.....and I'm gonna send "Escape" to NaNoWriMo again this year.
Alright, my ipod is playing Natalia Kills...That's my cue to start writing my novel.
I'll try and blog more too!
This long one… makes me tear up for some reason.