My husband and I grew up in the desert. I was fortunate enough to escape and live in Orange County, and spend a few months in New Jersey. He's been out here pretty much his whole life.
So, when we were talking about where we wanted to live, he automatically said out of the desert. He tried in vain to get jobs in Orange County, and in the Inland Empire. He did get a job in Pomona, but that didn't really pan out (Long story short, the commute was too much.). You could imagine my surprise when I found out that he got a job out here in the desert.
Yeah, we're staying here in the desert. As much as we both hate it.
I actually don't mind being here so much. I miss the small town environment a bit. The area is getting over ran with people and the snowbirds....oh don't get me started on that!!!
welp, thats it for now. I'm watching some rasslin, and im gonna enjoy the rest of my night.
You enjoy that "rasslin”, ya hear?